I don't want you to stay. English poetry. Amazing

don't want you to stay.

One day

you will tell me that

you wish you had never left.

And I'll give you that

I wish you had never returned,

that I wish you had not gone.

But he left.

You will tell me you missed it

no look love to me.

And I will ask you if you missed it

tears that welled up in my eyes

the day you left.

I don't want you to stay.

You will tell me what you wish

I can give you another chancc.

And I will tell you what I wished

you never left

as you go.

But he is still going.

You will tell me you were not there

yourself while walking.

And I will tell you that I was not

me when I think of that

it was you.

Therefore deal kindly with me,

in this because I do not

I want you to stay.

Now Iknow that its important

I realize the power I have

0ver your presence in my life.

Or choose to go

it doesn't mean I'm doomed

I would choose to go the other way too.

I don't want you to stay. English poetry. Amazing

I don't want you to stay.

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