Just get out of my way poetry.

 Just get out of my way

Weaknesses. You are too weak.

Hold my hand. Let me help you.


You build your confidence by breaking others.

He loves himself by hating others.

He lifts himself up by stepping on the ochers.

You build your empire by sending your arrows

in the hearts of others.

He lives in their peaceful homes and says they can be yours.

Weaknesses. You are too weak.

Because, apart from others, your home is empty

Spit out your poison.

And I listened.

Remove your arrows from my heart.

Take your grief away from my home.

I watched in horror as the wings of pain you inflicted on me.

I watched him fly with a voice I never had.

Look at me I love your heart you say I don't have.


Don't look at me.

Just get out of my way.

And let me be.

For a long time

you made me feel

that I am weak.

It was you who was weak

by feeling

I was a hero

by feeling.

Just get out of my way  Weaknesses. You are too weak.  Hold my hand. Let me help you.  Please.

Just get out of my way

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